Wishing everyone a very Happy New Year!
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Just a few photos of some of my Christmas Decorating. I have not finished yet, but I am off school this week, so hopefully I will finish in a day or two. I have a few more orders to do up for Christmas and then I can relax. I attended a sewing gathering last night in Exeter and we had a really nice dinner and then another one tomorrow night at my friend Brenda's house in Strathroy. We are doing a Potluck dinner and it is always just wonderful. This has become a yearly Christmas tradition. The snow has finally slowed down a little in my area. We are just getting a few flurries today. Everyone has been so pre-occupied with it lately, there has been so much.

Another basket that is going on my sideboard
Sunday, December 12, 2010
This has been one heck of a week in my area for snow. All the schools were closed for three days, including the College that I attend. In total when it was all over, we got 177 cm of snow. I mean it snowed all week and it is snowing again today. Another 20 cm expected. My DH and I had been invited to the "Hollow Cupboard" for dinner last night, and the way the weather was looking all week, I thought there may be a chance we would have to cancel. We had been looking forward to it, so a cancellation would have been a huge disappointment. It ended up that yesterday was the only day with no snow in the forecast, so yesterday afternoon we headed up to Shelburne which is a two hour drive north east of us. If you don't know about the "Hollow Cupboard", it is an online business owned by Henry and Sandie who sell the most gorgeous Primitive Smalls and Antiques on their website. We had never met Henry and Sandie until last night. Sandie hired me to manage her website a couple of months ago which is a real pleasure because I just love the things they offer up for sale. Take a peak and check it out for yourself. http://www.thehollowcupboard.com
We had an amazing time and the dinner was fabulous! Henry barbecued some ribs, which were the best we had ever tasted, and Sandie made an amazing Caesar salad and a rice dish. For desert there was a delicious homemade lemon/poppy seed cake.
There was so much to talk about, the time just flew by, but we had to leave and head for home. We had a two hour drive ahead of us and all of our critters were waiting. We had really enjoying meeting our new friends, Henry and Sandie and all of their critters too. Sandie sent me home with a bag of goodies which included some of her great smelling tart melts. Below are some pictures that Sandie took of our visit.
We had an amazing time and the dinner was fabulous! Henry barbecued some ribs, which were the best we had ever tasted, and Sandie made an amazing Caesar salad and a rice dish. For desert there was a delicious homemade lemon/poppy seed cake.
There was so much to talk about, the time just flew by, but we had to leave and head for home. We had a two hour drive ahead of us and all of our critters were waiting. We had really enjoying meeting our new friends, Henry and Sandie and all of their critters too. Sandie sent me home with a bag of goodies which included some of her great smelling tart melts. Below are some pictures that Sandie took of our visit.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Last weekend was our Christmas show at the Church. I had a great time as always. It was so nice seeing everyone again. Thanks to all who purchased my hand mades. This picture was sent to me by someone who purchased this sign to give as a gift, but thought it would look great on her front porch with her antique sleighs. I think she was right. She ended up keeping it for herself :)
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Sunday, October 10, 2010
This weekend is Thanksgiving in Canada, the weather is just gorgeous, just the right temperature (mid 70's) and sunny. The trees have turned a gorgeous color of reds, golds, and yellows. This is my favorite time of year. Harvest is in full swing in my area. You can hear combines and grain dryers going steady. DH has been out combining corn all weekend. The turkey is ready to go into the oven and the wine is chilling for our Thanksgiving dinner tonight with all of the fixins. I even went for a walk in the woods and picked a huge puff ball. I am going to include that in the menu for dinner tonight. I thought I would share some photos of some of my fall decorations.
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
Puff ball...this one is the size of a football
Pumpkin/Crow Harvest display
Sunday, October 3, 2010
A Friend is a treasure
A Friend is someone we turn to, when our spirits need a lift.
A Friend is someone we treasure, for our friendship is a gift.
A Friend is someone who fills our lives, with beauty, joy and grace.
And make the world we live in, a better and happier place.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Meet the newest member of our family. Her name is "Izzy". I got her on Saturday. She was dumped off at a local Antique Shop and I told the owner I would take her and give her a home. I surprised DH with her. I told him that I got him a present. I had her hidden in the barn. Needless to say, he really liked his surprise! The two are now inseparable She is the sweetest little soul. We just love her. She has settled in really well and is getting along with our other cats. She is only about 6 weeks old. She has even grown some since Saturday.
DH and "Izzy"
DH and "Izzy"
One of my fall displays on my porch
Saturday, September 11, 2010
I have almost finished all of my canning for this season. Below are some of my Chili Sauce and Cranberry/Pear Chutney. My pantry is full and so is my freezer. DH and I planted an amazing garden this year. I have never seen so many tomatoes. They had great flavor too. At least we didn't get the blight this year like we did last year. All I have to do is make some peach jam and pear jam and then I will be finished.
Last Saturday, Hayley from "Prim it Up" invited me over to her home for the afternoon. She has done an amazing job decorating her place. I just loved the colors and all of her Primitive accessories. It is nice to have someone who shares the same interest in Primitives. She gave me a great Antique Bail jar and some of her Primitive Eggs that she makes herself. Thank you Hayley, I just love it.You can check out her Blog.
Chili Sauce and Cranberry/Pear Chutney
Prim Eggs gifted to me from Hayley of "Prim it Up"
I even added a feather from my sister Audrey's Guinea Hen that I got when was out visiting her in British Columbia a few weeks ago. I also found the perfect bowl to display them in.
Antique Bail Jar also a gift from Hayley
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
I used the random generator.org to pick the winner and it was number 4
Please click on the sheep and email me and let me know how you would like your graphic personalized.
(the generator Max shows 100, but I did put 11 in for Max, but it switched to 100 when I copied and pasted it.)
Sunday, August 29, 2010
DH and I just returned home from a fabulous vacation in beautiful British Columbia. It was a short trip, but well worth it. We flew out on Monday morning and we flew back on Friday. We have not been able to go away together since our honeymoon 19 years ago because of all of our "Critters". We are lucky to have a lady who lives not too far from us who agreed to come to our place twice a day to feed and care for our "Critters". My Jack Russell Terrier is getting older so she let her stay at her place. If not for her, our vacation would not have been possible. She did a great job too.
We stayed at my sister's house. We had a great time. Her meals were fantastic. I thought the seats in the airplane had gotten smaller but I think I was bigger on the way home after all of her great meals. Thanks Karen, your dinners were delicious.
My sister Karen and her husband Allen were great hosts, they even had a family gathering on the Wednesday night with prime rib, salads, potatoes, and all the fixins. Homemade apple or strawberry rhubarb pie and ice cream for desert too. My father, my other sister Audrey, her husband and our niece and nephew were all there. It was a great time.
The next day, we went to my sister Audrey's home and got to see all of her animals and had some nice pastries and coffee. Boy, I thought I had lots of critters. She has parrots, a pea hen, chickens, roosters, goats, and two dogs. I took a few pictures of some of the critters.
My niece is great at playing the piano so she played the first song on my Blog, River flows in you by Yiruma. She played it so beautifully, my sister and I cried. It was awesome!
Myself and my two sisters went shopping to my favorite store "The Weathered Rooster".
It is my all time favorite. They have lots of Prim stuff and lots of Colonial furniture and lighting and textiles. DH and I are already looking forward to our next trip out there!
One of the goats
Guard Dog for the animals. This guy keeps all the predators such as coyotes away from all of the other animals. His name is "Jake"
A friendly face
A flock of chickens
My niece playing "River Runs in You" by Yiruma
A couple of textile runners that I got from the Weathered Rooster
A primitive pumpkin from the Weathered Rooster
Friday, August 20, 2010
Seeing Autumn is almost here and it is my favorite time of year, I am having a giveaway.
This giveaway is for the Autumn Logo below, handmade by me. You can use it for a Blog header, logo, or print it out for candle labels or onto fabric or whatever you like. I will personalize it just for you.
This is a one of a kind logo. You must be a follower of my Blog and comment on this post. New followers are welcome. I will draw for the winner on September 1st. It will be sent to the winner in a JPG format.

Thursday, August 19, 2010
I really should have posted this picture last week, but my family has been going through some tough times. My Father in Law had been very ill in the hospital and sadly he passed away on Monday night. I had to write my exams for second term all through this turmoil also.
I participated in Char's Textile Swap and Julie from Dog Trot Farm was my partner and these are the items I received from her. Thank you Julie, they are just great. You are so kind. I especially love the pincushion. I am just learning hand applique, so I will use this pincushion for the special needles and pins I will need for that. I hope you like what I sent to you.
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Does anyone know what kind of herb this is?? I found it in my little herb garden this afternoon.
Our cat Sylvester decided to take a nap in my little herb garden that I have in an old laundry tub that sits on an old wash stand on my porch. It has been so hot and muggy here that he was just looking for somewhere cool.
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Yesterday was such a fun day. Hayley from "Prim it Up" picked me up at 8 am and we headed to Michigan for a road trip. We had never met before, but we had so much fun. We crossed the border at 9 and drove to Utica Michigan and did some shopping. After that, we headed for Holly Michigan as we were going to check out "Holly Hills Primitives". We got to Holly around noon and we had lunch in a charming little restaurant called "Bittersweet Cafe". I think the name itself drew us in. They had such wonderful selections on their menu, everything homemade.
They must have at least 10 different salad selections that were meals in themselves and lots of delicious sounding wraps and sandwiches. We both decided to have the herbed turkey sandwich on pumpernickel. What a good choice, it was delicious! It was a meal in itself....I am so glad I didn't order a salad too, I would never have been able to eat it all.
After lunch we crossed the street to "Holly Hills Primitives". Dawn, the owner greeted us as we entered. Dawn makes her customers feel right at home. Her shoppe is just wonderful, filled to the brim with primitive antiques, feed sacks and lots of handmades. I was just in awe!!! I am sure Hayley was too :)
Hayley and I found a couple of treasurers that we had both been searching for for quite some time. I found an antique rake in excellent condition. I have been looking for one of those for a couple of years. Hayley found herself a wash stand in great condition. Dawn's prices were very reasonable too. She makes some of her handmade primitives herself and the quality is excellent!
I found this prim black cat that I just had to have. After browsing the shoppe, we stepped into the cafe next door (that is attached to Dawn's shoppe) and had some cake and lemonade. The cake was delicious and the lemonade so refreshing. The lady that owns the little cafe was so nice, we all sat down and had a nice chat. We even got to meet Dawn's little grand daughter, who I was told just loves horses. I will definitely go back to Dawn's shoppe, I was really impressed. Holly Michigan is such a quaint little town too. Dawn, it was so nice to meet you and visit your shoppe.
We left Holly, then stopped at a yard sale just outside of town and we both found a couple of things there to take home. Then off do some more shopping. We drove closer to Port Huron and went to Hobby Lobby, Walmart and a couple of other shops. Supper was next, then we headed for the Border. By the time I got home, It was 11 pm. Talk about "Shop till You Drop".
I was so tired. What a great day! Thanks Hayley. It was so nice to meet you, I had an awesome time!
Antique rake that I found at "Holly Hills Primitives"
Prim Black Cat....couldn't pass this up!
Left to Right....Hayley, Dawn, and myself
Holly Hills Primitives Shoppe
Monday, July 12, 2010
I spent the weekend in Horseheads (Elmira) New York. I was down there Judging a Horse Show.
I just couldn't believe how beautiful it is in New York state. The show was at a fairgrounds nested in the Adirondack mountains.........gorgeous! In the morning you could see the mist just floating in the mountains. It was a long drive down there, but well worth it. The scenery was breathtaking. I headed down there on Friday afternoon and took the scenic route through some small towns. It poured rain all the way down, so heavy that my wipers could hardly keep up. I guess they really needed the rain though, as we did up here in Canada. The show was huge, horses came from all over, even Quebec and Ontario competitors came. We wrapped up at 5 p.m last night and I headed home. I couldn't believe I actually made it all the way home without having to stop. I just stopped to grab a large black coffee to keep me awake. I arrived home exhausted at 11:30 last night.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
I have finally finished painting my huge pantry cupboard in my summer kitchen. The Sawbuck table is also now finished. It was lots of work but I just love the outcome. DH did this summer kitchen for me last winter and just finished up 2 days before Christmas. He also built the sawbuck table and the pantry cupboard.It is off the back of my kitchen in our farmhouse.
Sawbuck table with the top stained and the legs now painted barn red and antiqued
The sawbuck table with one of the table topper quilts I made
Barn Red pantry cupboard 7 feet high
Side view with my freezer
On my freezer is the primitive wool stitchery that my sister made me last Christmas. AHHHHHSUM!
1939 Findlay Oval woodburning cookstove
Sawbuck table and Stove
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