What a day today was. First off, with the humidex it was like 45 degrees celsius. It was so hot!
This morning, I harvested all of my green beans from the garden, cleaned, cut, blanched and put them in ziplocks and froze them. This afternoon DH and I baled hay and then we put it up into the loft. That is the hay done for this year. Yesterday, DH combined our oats and spread them all out on a huge tarp to dry. After supper, we bagged them all up. That is old fashioned farming for sure! I think we both lost about 5 pounds today.
Yesterday, I judged a horseshow in Ingersoll. It was so hot that it was unbearable. The horses were pretty hot too, so myself and the other judge did not work them very hard. We just worked them long enough to see what we needed to see. At the lunch break, an Amish horse and buggy pulled in to the show grounds and set up a table and sold eggs, homemade bread, pies, tarts and fresh vegetables. Of course I couldn't resist. I had to buy some of that homemade bread and some pecan tarts. I was joking with the competitors, telling them that the show won't resume until I have done my shopping.....LOL. Hopefully the weather will cool down soon. Can't wait for fall.
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Friday, August 14, 2009
Breakfast Smoothie
DH and I were on the road before 8 a.m. this morning and off to Park's Blueberries. We arrived just after 9 a.m. and I am so glad that we got there early. It was sooooo hot today. By 10:45 we had almost 20 lbs. of blueberries picked. Some of those berries were as big as grapes. We got weighed in and paid for them, then we went into their restaurant where they also sell all kinds of cookbooks, giftware and frozen pies, berries etc. We had some lunch and it was so good. I had the cream of cauliflower soup with a scone and DH had the blueberry french toast. We both had to have a piece of homemade blueberry pie for desert too. Couldn't pass on that!!!
I ended up buying some blueberry scones to take home and some blueberry buttertarts (to die for).
I just finished washing and freezing all of those blueberries and I will now have a supply over the winter for our breakfast smoothies. Blueberries are so good for you, I use them in our smoothies every day. I thought I would share the recipe, as it is very healthy and it gives you lots of energy, even at my age....LOL.
I ended up buying some blueberry scones to take home and some blueberry buttertarts (to die for).
I just finished washing and freezing all of those blueberries and I will now have a supply over the winter for our breakfast smoothies. Blueberries are so good for you, I use them in our smoothies every day. I thought I would share the recipe, as it is very healthy and it gives you lots of energy, even at my age....LOL.
Breakfast Smoothie
1 banana
2 pineapple spears
1/2 cup of blueberries
1/2 cup of strawberries
4 Tablespoons of plain yogurt
1 teaspoon of cinnamon
2 Tablespoons of protein powder ( I use hemp)
3/4 cup of orange juice
3/4 cup of apple cider
put all of this in a blender, first chop, then puree until smooth.
Thursday, August 13, 2009
I received an email from Char from the PICKLED PEPPER PATCH on Tuesday with the name of my swapping partner. I have started making the things that I will be sending to her. I was pleasantly surprised to see that she is also from Canada. British Columbia to be exact. That is so funny.....all of my family is out there, and so is my favorite store, "The Weathered Rooster". I am really looking forward to this as Autumn is my favorite time of year. I really enjoy creating things for this season. I just hope she will like everything. I know it is something that I would like :)
I finally finished the Website that I was doing for the Quilters Guild that I belong to. It took a lot of time, but I think it looks awesome!! http://huronperthquiltersguild.webs.com/
DH says that I am turning into a real computer Geek....not! I am afraid I have a long way to go before you can call me that. I really love working with computers.
I have been working in my flower beds all week. The hollyhocks are coming to an end :(
I just love the garden when everything is in full bloom. Now I can think of fall mums and pumpkins....I just love those things! I guess unemployment isn't that bad, it gives you time to do the things that you really like.
DH and I are getting up really early tomorrow morning and going blueberry picking. I will be freezing some for use over the winter. I told him I would buy him lunch as they have a really nice little restaurant there. Lots of things made with blueberries.
I finally finished the Website that I was doing for the Quilters Guild that I belong to. It took a lot of time, but I think it looks awesome!! http://huronperthquiltersguild.webs.com/
DH says that I am turning into a real computer Geek....not! I am afraid I have a long way to go before you can call me that. I really love working with computers.
I have been working in my flower beds all week. The hollyhocks are coming to an end :(
I just love the garden when everything is in full bloom. Now I can think of fall mums and pumpkins....I just love those things! I guess unemployment isn't that bad, it gives you time to do the things that you really like.
DH and I are getting up really early tomorrow morning and going blueberry picking. I will be freezing some for use over the winter. I told him I would buy him lunch as they have a really nice little restaurant there. Lots of things made with blueberries.
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Fanshawe Pioneer Village
London Brewery
Replica of 1828 London Pioneer Brewery purchased
John Labatt in 1847.
Built circa 1871. Fanshawe Hamlet
Purple Hill Loyal Orange Lodge No. 817
Built in West Nissouri Township circa 1880
Below is the Denfield General Store. This was built in circa 1877 in Denfield, Middlesex County.

Yesterday I visited a great place called Fanshawe Pioneer Village. It consists of buildings that date between 1820 and 1920. They have all been moved from their original locations and restored as close to original as possible. It was just wonderful seeing all of these buildings and all the contents in them. Even the people that work there are dressed in vintage clothing. They had vintage furniture, cookstoves, antique cookware, etc. etc. in all of the buildings. They had a great little cafe' too that I just had to check out. Everything they serve is made from fresh produce that they grow in their 2 acre garden. They even bake their own bread. On special weekends, they serve buffet dinners, eg. for Thanksgiving you can get a Turkey dinner with all of the fixins. I ended up having their homemade potato leak soup with homemade bread and their house made lemonade. I really enjoyed it. I got a few nice pictures of some of the buildings. This is a must see if you ever visit London, Ontario.
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Sunflowers, Sunflowers, and more Sunflowers
I just got home from Brandon, Manitoba. I was there for 5 days to Judge the Appaloosa National Horse Show. I had a wonderful time and worked with some wonderful people. There were so many great quality horses to Judge. I am glad to be back home to my husband and all of our animals. I am sure they missed me as much as I missed all of them. My garden grew like crazy while I was away. I have beets as big as grapefruits so I know what I will be doing all next week
:(....canning beets. DH planted a ton of sunflowers this year and of course I had to cut a few to put in a mason jar in the kitchen. I just love them and I like to enjoy them inside and outside.
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